Easy simulation of species trees and populations over time using ReMASTER

Virtually observing how species evolve and populations change through generations is the purpose of phylodynamics simulations. Such simulations are at the core of understanding how disease spread or species persist in a fragmented habitat for instance. In this talk, SIB’s Tim Vaughan presents ReMASTER, a versatile tool for performing such simulations within the program BEAST 2, used to study genetic sequences. ReMASTER enables users to develop and test out new phylodynamic inference algorithms, assessing biases in the models, and making sure the models used are the appropriate ones. Whether an evolutionary biologist, epidemiologist – or if you are generally interested in phylodynamic simulations, then this talk is for you!
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The in silico talks online series aims to inform bioinformaticians, life scientists and clinicians about the latest advances led by SIB Scientists on a wide range of topics in bioinformatics methods, research and resources. Stay abreast of the latest developments, get exclusive insights into recent papers, and discover how these advances might help you in your work or research, by subscribing to the in silico talks mailing list.
Timothy G Vaughan, ReMASTER: improved phylodynamic simulation for BEAST 2.7, Bioinformatics, Volume 40, Issue 1, 2024.