SIB PhD Training Network Annual Retreat
02 October 2022
02 October 2022
For-profit: 0 CHF
This course is exclusively reserved to the members of the SIB PhD Training Network.
The SIB PhD Training Network retreat is an annual informal and interactive event offering the opportunity to their members (students of the Swiss Schools of Higher Education registered as SIB members) to meet their peers and present their PhD project (or possibly their master project for students who have just started). This year, the event will be a soft skill exercise in order to improve data visualization in presentations. This exercise will be organized by our invited speaker Dr Frédéric Schütz, group leader Biostatistics Platform (BIOS) University of Lausanne and SIB.
Objectives of the event
- improve your data presentation skills
- get more knowledge about projects of your peers
- interact with other students and with the invited speaker
This is a tentative schedule, modifications are still possible and will be communicated to the participants
10 October : 09h30 Arrival & welcome coffee 10h00 General introduction and students’ presentations v.1 12h30 Lunch 14h00 Students’ presentations v.1 15h30 Coffee break 16h00 Students’ presentations v.1 & instructions 17h/17h30 End
11 October 09h00 Work on your presentations 10h30 Coffee break 11h00 Work on your presentations 12h30 Lunch 14h00 Outdoor activity 17h/17h30 End
12 October 09h00 Students’ presentations v.2 10h30 Coffee break 11h00 Students’ presentations v.2 12h30 Lunch 14h00 Students’ presentations 15h/16h30 End
Registration is open, but is strictly reserved for members of the Training Network.
You will be informed by email of your registration confirmation.
Venue and Time
Hotel de la Rose, Fribourg/Freiburg.
For more information, please contact Gregoire Rossier.