In the Text Mining Group, we carry out activities in text analytics applied to health and life sciences. Previously hosted by the University Hospitals of Geneva, our group moved to the University of Applied Sciences Geneva (HES-SO- HEG Geneva) in 2008, where we develop research to support a wide range of biomedical professionals in fields such as oncology (e.g. decision-support instruments to interpret somatic variants), radiology (e.g. automatic classification of disease progression) or toxicology/drug development (e.g. detection of adverse effects). We are used to work with public contents (e.g. social media, biomedical and biodiversity literature, chemical patents), as well as with more sensitive data (e.g. Electronic Health Records).
At SIB, the team is also maintaining a portfolio of curation-support tools. We thus maintain SIBiLS, a mirror of MEDLINE and PMC, which also includes additional contents (e.g., CORD-19 pre-prints, ...) and a set of more specialized custom search tools such as Variomes or CovidTriage.