12 February 2025
Application deadline:
09 January 2025
Cancellation deadline:
24 January 2025
Academic: 20 CHF
For-profit: 30 CHF
Applications are closed because the event is full with a long waiting list or has just passed.


PhyloSIB is an annual workshop organised by the SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics with an emphasis on molecular evolution, phylogenetics, and comparative phylogenomics. The goal of PhyloSIB is to exchange knowledge and foster discussion on current studies and recent developments in the field. Participants are typically developers of relevant analysis tools and databases, expert users of such tools and databases, as well as students and other researchers on their way to becoming experts. The 2025 PhyloSIB edition is organised as a Satellite event preceding the Biology25 Conference. Registration is open to all (limited to 50 participants) and is separate from the Biology25 registration (i.e. you do not have to be registered to attend Biology25 in order to apply to attend PhyloSIB).

Biology25 is the largest conference of organismal biology in Switzerland, and the yearly joint meeting of the Swiss Zoological Society, the Swiss Botanical Society, and the Swiss Systematics Society. The conference will be held on February 13-14, 2025 at the University of Lausanne.

PhyloSIB Scientific Organising Committee Maria Anisimova (ZHAW), Niko Beerenwinkel (ETHZ), Giulia Campli (UNIL), Louis du Plessis (ETHZ), Natasha Glover (UNIL), Evgenia Kriventseva (UNIGE), Sebastien Moretti (SIB), Richard Neher (UNIBAS), Marc Robinson-Rechavi (UNIL), & Damian Szklarczyk (UZH).

Location Amphithéâtre du Biophore at UNIL-Sorge

Application Process We will accept applications up to the deadline of January 10th whereafter we will send acceptance emails with requests for registration fee payments, as well as informing applicants if they are on the waiting list in case applications outnumber available spaces.


Times Sessions Notes
10.30 - 11.00 Arrival Welcome tea/coffee & croissants
11.00 - 11.15 Introduction PhyloSIB
11.15 - 12.30 Session 1 5 selected talks
Johannes Gawron - Computational Biology Group Phylogenetic inference reveals clonal heterogeneity in circulating tumour cell clusters
Antoine Zwaans - Computational Evolution Leveraging single-cell lineage tracing data to reconstruct cellular processes: from CRISPR barcodes to Bayesian phylodynamics
Nadia Neuner-Jehle - EVE Epidemiology and Virus Evolution Phylogenetic Analysis of EV-A71, CV-A6, and CV-A16 Using Nextstrain
Eric Ulrich - Evolutionary Microbiology Co-evolution of four bacterial species reduces facilitative interactions
Adrian Davin - Microbiome Research A geological timescale for bacterial evolution
12.30 - 13.30 Lunch break Sandwich lunch and refreshments
13.30 - 14.45 Session 2 5 selected talks
Marco Molari - Microbial Evolution Evolutionary dynamics of genome structure and content among closely related bacteria
Giulia Campli - Environmental Bioinformatics Tracing the evolutionary history of moulting genes across arthropod diversity
Aleksandra Nivina - Evolutionary Systems Biology Recombinational puzzle: ancestral state reconstruction in modular polyketide synthases
Angélica Pulido - Population Genetics and Genomics Reconstructing phylogenetic relationships of Tyto owls using museomics
David Moi - Comparative Genomics Foldtree2: creating and applying new structural alphabets to phylogenetics
14.45 - 15.15 Break Tea/coffee break
15.15 - 16.30 Session 3 5 selected talks
Cyril Malbranke - Laboratory of Computational Biology and Theoretical Biophysics ProtMamba: a homology-aware but alignment-free protein state space model
Alexandre Laverré - Evolutionary Bioinformatics Detection of positive selection on regulatory sequences through genotype-to-fitness function and machine learning predictions
Matthew Berkeley - Computational Evolutionary Genomics OrthoDB and BUSCO update: annotation of orthologs with wider sampling of genomes
Jūlija Pečerska - Applied Computational Genomics Team Evolution of evolutionary methods: exploring joint tree and alignment inference
Daniele Silvestro - Evolutionary Paleobiology A semi-supervised learning approach for phylogenetic inference
16.30 - 16.55 Session 4 Open Discussions
16.55 - 17.00 Conclusion