24 - 26 June 2019
Cancellation deadline:
12 June 2019
Frédéric Schütz
Academic: 0 CHF
For-profit: 0 CHF
1 ECTS credits
Applications are closed because the course is full with a long waiting list or has just passed. Sign up to receive notification when a new course is scheduled.

No future instance of this course is planned yet

This course is exclusively reserved to the members of the SIB PhD Training Network.


The SIB PhD Training Network retreat is an annual informal and interactive event offering the opportunity to the students to present their PhD project (or possibly their master project for students who have just started). This year, the event will be a soft skill exercise in order to improve data visualization in presentations. This exercise will be organized by our invited speaker Dr Frédéric Schütz, co-group leader SIB Bioinformatics Core Facility (BCF).

Objectives of the event

  • improve your data presentation skills
  • get more knowledge about projects of your peers
  • interact with other students and with the invited speaker


  • Day 1: 5/5 presentations (5 slides, 5 minutes) by the participants. 1 Title slide, 5 content slides: 1x Introduction slide; 3 different types of data on 3 different slides; 1 conclusion slide.

  • Day 2: Tutor's lectures, then participants will work on their slides + social activity

  • Day 3: Presentation of the modified slides


Registration is open, but strictly reserved for members of the Training Network.

You will be informed by email of your registration confirmation.

Venue and Time

NH Hotel, Fribourg. We will inform the participants in due time about the precised schedule...

For more information, please contact Gregoire Rossier.