Focus on the group's mission

The SIB Training group, led by Patricia Palagi, coordinates the institute’s bioinformatics training and course offer. Throughout its activities, it ensures that the next generation of bioinformaticians and life scientists make the best of the latest advances in computational biology.

Addressing training needs

From in-person and streamed classes to openly accessible recordings and e-learning modules, a range of regularly updated content and topics are provided. They are designed to closely match the bioinformatics training needs of all life science actors, from the academia or the private sector, including PhD students, postdoctoral researchers and health professionals. Discover all upcoming courses and stay informed, and if you need training in an area of bioinformatics that we are not currently covering, please let us know.

International collaborations

The Training group collaborates in pan-European and international training projects, together with the broader bioinformatics community of ELIXIR, GOBLET and ISCB. For instance, the Training group is co-leading or is involved in the following projects:

  • ELIXIR-STEERS: contributing to empowering ELIXIR Nodes to provide better training courses.
  • Pathogen Data Network (PDN): contributing to developing and delivering on target courses.
  • EOSC-FIDELIS: contributing to promoting the development and operation of a European network of trustworthy repositories.
  • ELIXIR-GOBLET Train-the-Trainer: co-leading the ELIXIR and GOBLET programme, which empowers researchers to deliver high-quality training.
  • Co-leading the ISCB Education COSI, which fosters collaborations in bioinformatics education and training.

Our trainers

SIB Training relies on the knowledge possessed by SIB Members, as well as national and international experts to deliver world-class courses.

Training Advisory Committee

In the Training Committee, the strategic outlook and the concept of training activities are discussed and decided upon. It is composed of the SIB Group Leaders most involved in training activities, namely: 

  • Article: Community-driven ELIXIR activities in single-cell omics. Czarnewski P, Mahfouz A, Calogero RA et al. Community-driven ELIXIR activities in single-cell omics [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]. F1000Research 2022, 11(ELIXIR):869
  • Article: Ten simple rules for good research practice. Simon Schwab, Perrine Janiaud, Michael Dayan, Valentin Amrhein, Radoslaw Panczak, Patricia M. Palagi, Lars G. Hemkens, Meike Ramon, Nicolas Rothen, Stephen Senn, Eva Furrer, Leonhard Held. PLoS Computational Biology, 2022 June 23.
  • Report: Report on training provided across the ELIXIR community. Attwood Terri, Ben-Avraham Daniel, Beard Niall, Dominguez del Angel Victoria, Fernandes Pedro, Gurwitz Kim, Kahlem Pascal, Korpelainen Eija, Leskošek Brane, Lindvall Jessica, Morgan Sarah, Nygard Stale, Palagi Patricia, Peterson Heidi, Rustici Gabriella, Sansone Susanna-A, Thurston Milo, van Gelder Celia, Via Allegra. 2019 August 23
  • Presentation: FAIR Training in ELIXIR Europe. Mateusz Kuzak, Leyla García Castro, Bérénice Batut, Ricardo Arcila, Niall Beard, Melissa Burke, Denise Carvalho-Silva, Victoria Dominguez Del Angel, Kim Gurwitz, Pascal Kahlem, Paula Martinez, Sarah Morgan, Peter McQuilton, Patricia Palagi, Fotis Psomopoulos, Gabriella Rustici, Celia van Gelder. 2019 July 24.


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