Our group is located in the Department of Biomedicine (DBM) at the University of Basel. We collaborate with scientists from DBM on projects covering a broad spectrum of research topics, from cellular differentiation and evolutionary biology to the identification of a molecular basis for various human diseases. To do this, we focus on the analysis, interpretation and visualization of expression, epigenetic and genomic data, which are mainly derived from next-generation sequencing experiments.
Core facility activities
Our core facility provides a centralized resource of expertise in computational biology and statistics to all researchers at the DBM. We are helping our scientists with the analysis, interpretation and visualization of expression, epigenetic and genomic data, mainly derived from next generation sequencing experiments. Beside the standardized approaches, the platform can also provide customized solutions tailored towards the needs of individual research projects. The Bioinformatics Core Facility is individually training and advising researchers at the DBM. The facility also organises bioinformatics trainings in collaboration with computational biologists from the Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research.
Here are some of the key services we provide:
- Consultancy on experimental design of genomics experiments;
- Data analysis and visualization with focus on large-scale genomics and proteomics;
- Consulting in statistics and programming in R.