In 2023, SIB’s openly available databases and software tools continued to fuel innovation and progress in life sciences. Set to tackle global challenges, such as food security, biodiversity preservation and pathogen surveillance, the institute provides financial and logistical support for 14 resources available to scientists worldwide.

Selection process

SIB’s mission is to ensure that its supported resources yield the greatest scientific benefits both now and in the future. The resources are continuously adapted to scientists evolving needs and latest technical innovations. Learn more about the independent selection process used to manage the institute’s resources portfolio.

14 software tools and databases to stimulate innovation

The 14 SIB resources are comprised of 37 software tools and databases supported financially and logistically by the institute. They totalled 17,041 citations in scientific literature, served more than 11,3 million users and were mentioned in 9,000 patents in 2023.

Selection process

SIB’s mission is to ensure that its supported resources yield the greatest scientific benefits both now and in the future. The resources are continuously adapted to scientists evolving needs and latest technical innovations. Learn more about the independent selection process used to manage the institute’s resources portfolio.

Quality open research bioinformatics databases and software tools are essential to scientific advancements in life sciences. For example, researchers using SwissDock, part of SwissDrugDesign, discovered that specific oceanic microorganisms can break down polybutylene succinate (PBS), paving the way for new technologies to better combat micro-plastic pollution. Another resource, V-pipe, has been used to analyze samples collected on pets living in proximity with SARS-CoV-2-infected owners. The results allowed scientists to better understand the virus’ transmission chains between humans and their pet companions. Uncover more impact stories involving SIB resources on our website.

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